Christmas Me Made Outfits 2023

Jingle all the way with matching family Christmas outfits! 🎄✨

Ho, ho, ho! Sending you a sleighful of Merry Christmas cheer from our festive family to yours!

If you’ve been following our creative escapades over the past few merry years, you’re in on our jolly family tradition. But if you’re a newbie to our yuletide adventures, welcome to the holly-jolly club! Drumroll, please… it’s time to unveil one of our all-time favourite family customs: the annual creation of matching Christmas outfits.

This tradition is as timeless as Santa’s naughty-or-nice list. Picture this: our Nan crafting Christmas shirts and dresses for our Grandad and parents before we knew the joy of unwrapping presents! If you have been following along for a few years you might, just might recognise these outfits. If not then enjoy! The fabric was purchased from Spotlight in about 2017 and sat waiting for two years before we made them into matching family Christmas outfits. This year there was enough fabric to create James a shirt and Fergus a bow tie.

So, here’s to family, festivities, and fashionable echidnas! May your Christmas be as bright and merry as our outfits. 🎅🎁✨

Lauren in Butterick 6556, Fergus in Two Sewing Sisters drafted doggy bowtie, David in McCall’s 4399,
Robyn in Simplicity 8840, Erin in Gracie Steel Adrift Shift and James McCall’s 6044

Erin in Grace Steel Adrift Shift and James in McCall’s 6044

David in McCall’s 4399 and Robyn in Simplicity 8840

Lauren in Butterick 6556 and Fergus in Dog Bowtie

Photo Credits

Photographer: James Christie
Lauren – Butterick 6556
Fergus – Two Sewing Sisters drafted doggy bowtie
David – McCall’s 4399
Robyn – Simplicity 8840
Erin – Gracie Steel Adrift Shift 
James – McCall’s 6044

Love these outfits? Check out our past Christmas outfits from 2022 Green Jocelyn Proust outfits, 2021 Liberty Print looks, 2020 Blue Jocelyn Proust wombats, the first time we work these outfits in 2019

Cup Day in Butterick 6556 Vogue 9357 and Vogue 1883

Melbourne Cup Day, known as the “race that stops a nation,” is a renowned horse racing event and a showcase of fashion. Glamorous hats that complement vibrant and stylish dresses are a must! The style is generally of elegance with a focus on bold colours, intricate patterns, and tailored silhouettes. This year we lent into the vibrant pink tones of the day with three fabulous outfits. 

Butterick 6556

Erin’s outfit was a top and tiered skirt with multi-coloured layers.  The pattern used for the top was Butterick 6556 with the addition of a sleeve from Schultz Apparel. The skirt is a self-drafted skirt which is basically just lots of gathered rectangles together to create the wrap skirt. 

The Inspiration

Early this year when we were in New York, just casually strolling along 5th Avenue, this fabulous outfit caught our eye. Thank you to the windows of Bergdorf Goodmans for providing us the inspiration!

Then the challenge began to find the fabric. It was important that it was all the same fabric type so we needed to find a supplier that had the same fabric type if a wide range of colours. We wanted to find a light taffeta to provide a luxe feel to the finish and a full body to the skirt.

We hunted far and wide and ended up finding a range of taffeta from Minerva based in the UK. See the fabric here.

Vogue 9357

Lauren’s dress was created as a polyester jacquard from Spotlight Pink for Cup Day, which was not a wise choice for such a humid day! Anyway, next year we will be wearing cotton. The dress was a combination of the top pattern Butterick 6134 with the skirt from Vogue 9357.

Vogue 1883

Lauren presented her entry for the VRC Lillian Frank AM MBE Millinery Award track side on Cup Day so we got to have the fabulous Molly Richardson with us! Molly wore a vibrant coral crepe from Fabric Minerva in a dress pattern Vogue 1883.

Photo Credits

Photographer: James Christie Media
Pattern: Butterick 6556 Vogue 9357 and Vogue 1883
Fabric: Taffeta from Homecraft Textiles, pink jacquard from Spotlight and crepe from Minerva
Millinery: Lauren J Ritchie Millinery